6 Things

Many of those who attend my presentations on How to be a Six Figure Developer are new to software development and struggling to find junior-level opportunities which will support personal and professional growth. The best job openings aren’t usually the ones that get posted to employment websites or sent to […]

6 Steps to a Great First Development Job

The web is an ever-extending collection of knowledge. Sure, there’s plenty of cat pictures and NSFW sites out there, but there are some incredible learning resources available, too. Below is a list of some of my favorites. Some are free to use, while others charge a small fee. All are worth […]

6 Outstanding Online Resources

6 Web Trends Anyway As a developer it is important to pay attention to industry trends. No one wants to be left behind. As a web developer it’s especially important since it is almost impossible to not be left behind. The following are 6 topics that I have noticed bubbling […]

6 Trends for 2016