
Everything happening at once This is a poorly stated concept and a phrase that must die if we are to move forward with Scrum as a viable development technique. There is in fact an order to things. We can’t put the cake in the oven before we mix the ingredients, […]

Scrum Sucks! Part 7 – The Schedule

A plethora of possibilities Many different requirements systems and strategies exist as well as many variations of those systems and strategies. The system that I will recommend is largely influenced by the existing Agile/Scrum ecosystem. Let’s continue this discussion by looking at the different elements involved in the requirements process […]

Scrum Sucks! Part 6 – Requirements

Measure first Before making any changes, first you must know where you currently stand. In business, feelings don’t matter, Money is what matters; for a new process to be the correct one for your company that process must provide a higher earning potential than the current process. Many metrics for […]

Scrum Sucks! Part 5 – Measuring up

What is Scrum? In the last article, I explained what Scrum was supposed to be. As usual though, Scrum has changed in the last 30 years. So, what is Scrum now? Since 1986 when Scrum was initially defined it has gone through a slow process of institutionalized misunderstanding. We have […]

Scrum Sucks! Part 2 – What is Scrum?

Why Switch? In the software development life cycle there are two predominant methodologies, Waterfall and Agile. In this post we will talk about whether you should switch from Waterfall to an Agile process, specifically Scrum, and what benefits your project receives by choosing a particular methodology. To understand when we […]

Scrum Sucks! Part 1 – Why Switch?