Clayton Hunt

About Clayton Hunt

Clayton has been programming professionally since 2005 doing mostly web development with an emphasis on JavaScript and C#. He has a focus Software Craftsmanship and is a signatory of both the Agile Manifesto and the Software Craftsmanship manifesto. He believes that through short iterations and the careful gathering of requirements that we can deliver the highest quality and the most value in the shortest time. He enjoys learning and encouraging other to continuously improve themselves.

Ohh my! In the last post, I said we were going to look at ES2015. Unfortunately, the latest version of JavaScript is not fully supported by browsers yet. Even worse than that, ES2016 is just around the corner with even newer features that aren’t supported by browsers. So, what can […]

Day 2 – Node, Gulp, and ES2015

What is Asp.Net Core? Asp.Net Core is so new that Microsoft hasn’t even officially updated it’s name on the Asp.Net website. Formerly known as Asp.Net 5, Asp.Net Core (Core) is the next evolution of the .Net framework. It has been completely written from the ground up and all of the […]

Day 1 – A Look at Asp.Net Core

A Thorough Example We are about to embark on a journey. I, along with your help, will endeavor to create a complete website example using the trends I listed in my last post. Clayton HuntClayton has been programming professionally since 2005 doing mostly web development with an emphasis on JavaScript […]

Getting a Tutorial Project Started

6 Web Trends Anyway As a developer it is important to pay attention to industry trends. No one wants to be left behind. As a web developer it’s especially important since it is almost impossible to not be left behind. The following are 6 topics that I have noticed bubbling […]

6 Trends for 2016

What the heck does that mean? Looking at the title of this post might seem a bit confusing. I certainly didn’t know what idiomatic polyglot programming was the first time I saw it. There is also the question of it’s importance. stick around for this post and I will break […]

Idiomatic Polyglot Programming

Failure is not an option When Cortés landed in Mexico, the order he gave to his men was to burn the boats. They were either going to succeed or die trying. Likewise, Alexander the Great gave the same order when confronted with a superior Persian enemy. In both cases, with […]

Burn The Boats

Getting ready for a presentation can take a lot of work. There are many questions you have to ask yourself and then answer yourself. Today I’m going to attempt to address some of those questions and hopefully provide some helpful answers. Clayton HuntClayton has been programming professionally since 2005 doing […]

So You Want to Be A Presenter

Teach others what you learn As developers, we have to retain a lot of knowledge. A new concept presents itself almost daily if we are active in our learning. You have probably learned several things that could help you to become a better developer and then simply forgot them within […]

Learn, Teach, Learn, Do

What does that mean? No matter how good you are or how good you think you are, you can always improve. Sharpening your tools is about constant improvement; it’s the little things that you can do all the time that will enhance your current skills. Some of the techniques are […]

Sharpen Your Tools